Val Roubion's Montélimar nougat comes in stick form

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Once upon a time, in the small town of Montélimar, there was a handmade nougat house called Val Roubion. This house was renowned for its high-quality nougat, made from the finest ingredients and traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation.

The nougat sticks from Val Roubion were indeed a true institution in Montélimar. But why did they choose the stick shape rather than the candy format of their competitors?

Firstly, it's important to know that the stick shape is the original form of nougat. This treat was created in the Middle East several centuries ago, and at that time, it was consumed in the form of sticks or slabs. It was only natural for the Val Roubion house to choose to perpetuate this tradition by offering nougat sticks instead of candies.

Back at the nougat workshop, they began experimenting with different molds to create their own nougat sticks. They eventually found the perfect recipe to make nougat that is soft, chewy, and melts in the mouth, yet still with the same delicious taste as their nougat candies.

They started selling their new nougat sticks in their shop in Montélimar, explaining to their customers that this new nougat shape was easier to eat and more convenient to carry than nougat candies. Customers immediately loved this new nougat shape and began buying it in large quantities.

Soon, Val Roubion's nougat sticks began to gain recognition throughout the Montélimar region and beyond. People started saying that Val Roubion's nougat sticks were even better than their nougat candies. Val Roubion's competitors tried to copy their new nougat format, but in the end, they didn't dare, and no one could match the quality and taste of Val Roubion's nougat sticks.

Val Roubion's customers started joking that nougat sticks were an essential "tool" for those who wanted to savor a bit of Provence in all circumstances. People began saying that if Jesus were born in Provence, he would surely have loved Val Roubion's nougat sticks.

But the success of Val Roubion's nougat sticks didn't just come from their practical shape and delicious taste. Customers also appreciated the story of the Val Roubion house and its passion for artisanal nougat making. Customers loved the idea that each nougat was handmade with love and skill.

Thus, Val Roubion's nougat sticks quickly became a symbol of French gastronomy and are now known worldwide. Visitors to the Val Roubion shop in Montélimar can taste different types of nougat sticks, each with a unique and delicious flavor.

But this shape also has other advantages! Firstly, sticks are easier to share and offer. It's simpler to break a stick in half to share it with a friend than to cut a candy in half (especially if you don't have a knife at hand!).

Moreover, the stick shape allows for a better appreciation of the nougat's texture. With a candy, you quickly bite into it and eat it in a few seconds. With a nougat stick, you take the time to savor it, chewing slowly to fully appreciate all the flavors and textures.

Finally, nougat sticks are more convenient to carry. Imagine: you're hiking, you're a bit hungry, you take out your nougat stick from your backpack, and you can easily eat it without getting your fingers dirty. With a candy, it's more complicated: you might drop a piece when opening it, or worse, stick your fingers with the sticky sugar!

The story of Val Roubion's nougat sticks doesn't end there. Over time, the Val Roubion house continued to innovate and offer new variations of their nougat sticks. They created unique flavors using local ingredients, such as almonds from the Montélimar region, wildflower and lavender honeys, and dried and candied fruits. Each new creation was a success, and customers eagerly awaited discovering new flavors season after season.

But what really made Val Roubion famous was its commitment to quality. They always used the highest quality ingredients, ensuring that every bite of nougat was a burst of flavors. Their nougat sticks are without preservatives or artificial additives, making them even more enjoyable for confectionery enthusiasts.

Over the decades, Val Roubion has become a true institution in Montélimar. Their shop is still a pilgrimage site for nougat enthusiasts from around the world. Visitors come from far and wide to taste nougat sticks and learn more about their history. The owners of Val Roubion are always happy to share their knowledge and passion with their customers, creating lasting bonds with their community.

The Val Roubion house didn't just sell nougat sticks; they sold an experience. An experience of sweetness, tradition, and craftsmanship. Every visit to their shop is a dive into the history of Montélimar nougat and a tasting of the soul of Provence.

Today, the Val Roubion house continues to thrive, perpetuating the tradition of nougat sticks while exploring new paths of creativity and flavors. Their products are available online, meaning nougat enthusiasts worldwide can now enjoy this delicious treat wherever they are.

Perhaps Val Roubion's competitors got it all wrong by offering nougat candies. Maybe the stick is the ultimate form to fully appreciate this delightful treat!

In the end, the story of Val Roubion's nougat sticks is a tale of passion, innovation, and dedication to quality. It shows how a small artisanal house can become an icon of French gastronomy through bold vision and a commitment to excellence. So, the next time you crave a sweet indulgence, why not try a Val Roubion nougat stick? You'll discover a tradition that has been preserved with love and dedication by this exceptional house in Montélimar."

"In any case, one thing is certain: if you've never tasted Val Roubion's nougat sticks, you're missing out on something truly exceptional. So, don't hesitate any longer and treat yourself to a sweet delight by ordering a pack of these delicious sticks from our online site!